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Pro Hac Vice - Bankruptcy Court




A) Send an email to the bankruptcy court: 

  • The email should state that you intend to be admitted to the Bankruptcy Court pro hac vice and should contain the case number. Do not wait for a response. Go to step B.

B) E-Filing:

  • If you have never e-filed with this Court, register for an e‐filing account.
    • When prompted: "What would you like to Apply/Register for? select: Pro Hac Vice.
    • You CANNOT E-FILE yet. The Court must process your request. If approved, you will receive an automated email.
  • If you have e-filed with this Court, e-file the motion and proposed order. Then go to step #3.

Click here to register for an e-filing account with the Bankruptcy Court

Instructions for Attorneys who need a PACER account (pdf)  

Instructions for Attorneys who already have a PACER account (pdf)


After the Court processes your request for an e-filing account, you MUST e‐file an Ex Parte Motion and Proposed Order to Appear Pro Hac Vice.

  • WDNY does not have a local form template for the motion and order. 
  • There is No Fee.
  • Immediately after e-filing the motion to appear pro hac vice, you may e-file anything else in that case.
3. After e‐filing the motion & order, mail a Chambers Copy to the appropriate office of the Court via U.S. mail. (Step #3 is waived during the COVID-19 pandemic)