The Bankruptcy Court may provide and pay for, a language interpreter for a party who speaks only or primarily a language other than English, only when the bankruptcy court proceeding is instituted by the United States. For proceedings not instituted by the United States, the parties are responsible for procuring interpreter services unless they are deaf, hearing-impaired or have other communication disabilities.
To request a language interpreter for court proceedings before Chief Judge Bucki, Judge Kaplan or Judge Warren, complete an Application to Provide Language Interpreter Services.
The Bankruptcy Court may provide and pay for a sign language interpreter or other auxiliary aids and services to a participant in a federal court proceeding that is deaf, hearing-impaired or has communication disabilities, whether or not the proceeding is instituted by the United States.
The Bankruptcy Court will give primary consideration to a participant's choice of auxiliary aid or service, unless another equally effective means of communication is available, or that use of the means chosen would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the court proceeding or an undue financial or administrative burden.
To request a sign interpreter or other communication equipment and/or service for court proceedings before Chief Judge Bucki, Judge Kaplan or Judge Warren, complete an Application to Provide Services to the Hearing-Impaired or Other Persons with Communication Disabilities.
Submit interpreter applications by mail at least three (3) weeks before the date of the court proceeding to:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, WDNY
ATTN: Melissa Frieday
Robert H. Jackson U.S. Courthouse
2 Niagara Square
Buffalo, NY 14202
The Bankruptcy Court is not authorized to arrange or pay for language interpreters, sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids and services for Section 341 meetings (meeting of the creditors) as these meetings are not considered court proceedings and are not considered to be instituted by the United States.
Please contact Melissa Frieday at (716) 362-3200 with any questions relating to interpreter requests.